Title animation for North Star Fund Community Gala 2020

North Start Fund
Gala 2020

Event Branding
Print Design

North Star Fund is a social justice fund that supports grassroots organizing led by communities of color that are building power in New York City and the Hudson Valley.  Their annual community gala is their biggest celebration of the year—featuring a fantastic cross-section of hundreds of New Yorkers who care deeply about grassroots organizing and who are committed to making justice a reality.

I developed the branding concept for their Community Gala 2020 and came up with a colorful, bold and adaptive design that embraces North Star Fund’s characteristics. I put special emphasis on the movement aspect by creating a typographic animation for digital assets and exploring different folding techniques for the printed invitation.

North Star Fund Community Gala 2020 save the dateNorth Star Fund Community Gala 2020 save the date
North Star Fund Community Gala 2020 event invitationNorth Star Fund Community Gala 2020 event invitationNorth Star Fund Community Gala 2020 event invitationUnfolding of Event Invitation for North Star Fund Community Gala 2020
North Star Fund Community Gala 2020 event invitation frontNorth Star Fund Community Gala 2020 Invitation Back

